Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Why SEO is important for your car business

SEO for car dealers car dealers


In times of digitalization, the Internet represents one of the most important means of communication and information. Therefore, a strong web presence is of enormous importance for every car dealer, regardless of size and location, in order to position themselves sensibly and be visible to customers. 

Meanwhile, more than 80% of car buyers use search engines like Google to search for vehicle information and current offers. Even if you already have a great website with useful content and great deals, you're giving away a lot of potential if it's not being found by search engines or searchers. With Search Engine Optimization (SEO) you strengthen your web presence and enable visitors as well as search engine bots an accessible access to your content. As a sub-area of online marketing, search engine optimization helps you achieve better visibility in organic search results, which means you can attract more visitors to your website. 

Improve your web presence with Autrado SEO. 

Benefit from Autrado search engine optimization and strengthen your web presence to acquire a greater customer potential online for your car dealership. We help you with various measures to a better website quality to make it easier for search engines to classify your website as relevant for specific search queries. Increase the visibility of your business through better ranking positions in Google's search results and thus increase traffic to your website. Turn visitors into customers with unique and compelling content on your landing pages.

Our SEO services at a glance 

SEO Analyse

SEO analysis

Autrado analyzes your website and provides you with detailed monthly reports on the technical, structural and content quality of your website. With our SEO analysis, existing problems that influence your ranking become visible and can be targeted. In addition, you will receive a detailed overview of your keywords and ranking changes every month.

SEO Keyword Recherche

Keyword research

Which keywords or keyword combinations do users use to find your website in Google? And for which keywords do you want to be found? On the basis of detailed keyword research we identify the most important keywords for which your content should be optimized.

SEO OnPage-optimization


OnPage optimization includes all content, technical and structural measures that are carried out directly on your your website. It ensures that your site is as findable, readable and usable as possible for search engines and visitors. search engines and visitors as possible, and that it is readable and usable. OnPage optimization must take into account many different factors such as keywords, meta tags, content, internal links and much more. By improving technology, content and structure, the visibility of your website for specific search queries in the search results can be increased in the medium to long term and increase usability for visitors.

SEO OffPage-optimization


OffPage optimization is not done directly on your website, but so-called backlinks are generated. Backlinks are external links that refer from another to your website. Each link from another website can be perceived as a recommendation. However, the quality of the backlink is important. OffPage optimization always follows OnPage optimization, because building external links without optimized landing pages is not efficient. Ideally, external links to your content will even come up on their own if your content is so good and unique that other users or website owners link to it.

Like everything at Autrado, this service is also individually tailored to your wishes and needs. If you are interested, please use our contact form or contact: 

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